This directory contains paper and data on single mode second overtone Cepheid candidates in the SMC. ***WARNING*** The content of this archive was revised on Apr. 1, 2000 due to revised calibration of the OGLE photometric data. A small systematic effect in the original calibration was found, mapped, and applied to the data. This effect, caused by some scattered light in the instrument resulting in non-perfect flat-fielding, affected only East/West edges of the frames and amounted to 0.08 mag in the I-band and 0.05 mag in the B and V-bands at the very edges of the field. On average the effect was very small - of the order of 0.01-0.02 mag. We are very grateful to Dr. D.S. Graff (Ohio State University) for pointing out to us this systematic effect. ************* -- Paper: "The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds. II. Single-Mode Second Overtone Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud." A. Udalski, I. Soszynski, M. Szymanski, M. Kubiak, G. Pietrzynski, P. Wozniak, and K. Zebrun, Acta Astron. 1999, 49, 45. fig[1-5].ps.gz -- Full size Figures 1-5. tab1.txt -- Table with basic data on candidates (ASC-II format). phot.tar -- tar archive of phot/ subdirectory. subdirectory phot/ -- photometry of individual objects: subdirectory I/ -- photometry in the I-band subdirectory V/ -- photometry in the V-band subdirectory B/ -- photometry in the B-band The file name is object_id.dat.gz in each of these subdirectories. Each file contains 3 columns: Hel JD, magnitude, error.