This directory contains BVI-maps of the Small Magellanic Cloud fields observed in the course of the OGLE microlensing survey. *** WARNING *** The content of this archive was revised on Apr. 8, 2000 due to revised calibration of the OGLE photometric data. A small systematic effect in the original calibration was found, mapped, and applied to the data. This effect, caused by some scattered light in the instrument resulting in non-perfect flat-fielding, affected only East/West edges of the frames and amounted to 0.08 mag in the I-band and 0.05 mag in the B and V-bands at the very edges of the field. On average the effect was very small - of the order of 0.01-0.02 mag. We are very grateful to Dr. D.S. Graff (Ohio State University) for pointing out to us this systematic effect. ********************************************************************** The directory structure is as follows: README - this file - data for field SMC_SC1 - data for field SMC_SC2 - data for field SMC_SC3 - data for field SMC_SC4 - data for field SMC_SC5 - data for field SMC_SC6 - data for field SMC_SC7 - data for field SMC_SC8 - data for field SMC_SC9 - data for field SMC_SC10 - data for field SMC_SC11 smc_sc1.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC1 (2048x8192) smc_sc2.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC2 (2048x8192) smc_sc3.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC3 (2048x8192) smc_sc4.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC4 (2048x8192) smc_sc5.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC5 (2048x8192) smc_sc6.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC6 (2048x8192) smc_sc7.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC7 (2048x8192) smc_sc8.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC8 (2048x8192) smc_sc9.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC9 (2048x8192) smc_sc10.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC10 (2048x8192) smc_sc11.fts.gz - I-band template image of the field SMC_SC11 (2048x8192) smc.fields - coordinates of the SMC fields. - Postscript version of the paper Udalski et al (1998), Acta Astron. 48, 147, describing three color maps. All *.gz files are compressed with the gzip program. Format of maps in C-language is: "%6d %11s %11s %7.2f %7.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %3d %2d %5.3f %3d %2d %5.3f %3d %2d %5.3f\n" with columns: B-band V-band I-band DB_no RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) X_tpl Y_tpl V B-V V-I B I Ng Nb sig Ng Nb sig Ng Nb sig where DB_no - number in the database, RA, DEC - equatorial coordinates, X_tpl,Y_tpl - pixel coordinates in the I-band template image, V, B-V, V-I, B, I - photometry data, Ng - number of "good" measurements, Nb - number of "bad" (removed with 5 sigma rejection alghoritm) measurements, sig - standard deviation of "good" measurements. Here is a sample of data from the SMC_SC4 field map: 1 0:45:51.29 -73:35:05.7 348.38 89.42 14.709 0.198 0.299 14.907 14.410 15 0 0.090 21 1 0.019 121 0 0.017 2 0:45:20.39 -73:35:00.3 31.48 99.25 14.713 0.785 1.013 15.501 13.698 11 0 0.074 20 0 0.066 67 0 0.038 3 0:46:02.27 -73:34:50.6 460.56 126.77 16.458 1.939 2.380 18.405 14.076 17 0 0.144 28 0 0.113 118 0 0.044 4 0:45:43.54 -73:34:49.7 268.57 127.37 15.499 1.227 1.173 16.731 14.324 17 0 0.065 29 0 0.028 122 0 0.016 5 0:45:26.73 -73:34:21.6 95.49 193.50 16.853 9.999 2.551 99.999 14.299 0 0 9.999 24 0 0.080 114 0 0.066 6 0:45:59.66 -73:32:41.9 431.42 437.67 15.779 1.400 1.333 17.183 14.444 18 0 0.034 26 0 0.018 124 0 0.017 7 0:45:42.92 -73:34:47.5 262.12 132.43 16.829 1.795 1.713 18.631 15.115 18 0 0.106 27 0 0.028 118 0 0.018 8 0:45:25.84 -73:34:39.5 86.88 150.20 16.633 1.322 1.437 17.960 15.195 17 0 0.058 27 1 0.023 114 0 0.015 10 0:45:39.50 -73:33:59.7 226.00 247.82 15.900 1.245 1.267 17.150 14.632 17 1 0.014 28 1 0.012 122 0 0.008 WARNING!!! "Magic" numbers: 99.999 for magnitude and 9.999 for color and standard deviation denote "no measurement". Entire distribution of the BVI maps of the SMC is also available on CD-ROM for a fee covering shiping and handling cost. Please contact via e-mail: Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from the BVI maps of the SMC should cite the apropriate OGLE paper(s).